What I like to See in an Artist Portfolio.
While I'm at it, here's a link to a great post from editor Cheryl Kline over at Brooklyn Arden. She has a lengthy post on exactly what she's looking for when viewing an illustrator's portfolio.
You are invited to join in the fun and share your love of reading. Celebrate teen lit day by leaving a book with a TBD bookplate pasted inside, in a teen gathering spot in your community. (Stop by the readergirlz website to print out a bookplate.) Place it where the book will be found, taken, and read. (i.e. a coffee shop, the park, your school, a bus stop.) Imagine the fun someone will have when they find your donation! This is the same day all 10,000 publisher-donated books will be dropped in pediatric hospitals across the country, and it is the same day authors and readergirlz worldwide will release their own books into their communities just as you have.