Stop by my friend and fellow illustrator's blog for a great round-up (with photos!) of the Founders' Workshop in Honesdale, Pennsylvania put on by the
Highlights Foundation. Tanja is always great at sharing everything she learns and continually supports our local talent. Thanks for passing on our promos Tanja!
Tanja Bauerle's BlogYou'll find a great video with
Patrick Arrasmith explaining how he creates his amazing scratchboard illustrations and how book design helps define what he creates at:
Mishaps and AdventuresHead over and find the answers to "Seven Questions Over Breakfast with
Brian Lies" and see some very cool behind the scenes sketches
(Love Brian’s sketch of the library from Bats at the Library
!) at:
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Don't forget to keep checking the
Cynsations Blog. There's been some great giveaways. And of course always great interviews. You might even get lucky and
win a book like I did. This week my mailbox held this little treasure.
Listening for Crickets by
David Gifaldi . Thank you Cynthia!