Along with my quest to becoming published, I'm embarking on another, and just as difficult, quest. Becoming organized! The spring cleaning bug bit. That nasty little bug jumped right from the house into my studio. It keeps nipping at me. Finding piles over here and stacks over there. Newspaper clippings hidden among photos. Pencils stubs too short to even grasp.
Plastic containers with no real purpose. And books! Stacks of books everywhere! It was time for a plan.
Ikea to the rescue! They have a cubicle style bookcase made just for me. I have cubbyholes for my copies
and for the copies from each of the libraries I visit. And I can still stack, but hopefully keep things under control. Like all good organizers bitten by the spring cleaning bug, I started out by sorting everything alphabetically!

The new bookcase fits perfectly on top of my old credenza.

It didn't take me long to fill it up. Yet, I still have room for more!

Two of the
cubbies are for library books.
The rest of the books are all mine.

These are a few of my picture books.

cubby is devoted to signed copies only.
I love collecting these!