Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Another Win!

Thank you Seven Impossible Things for the drawing!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Seven Things and Thank Yous

I was tagged to list 7 things about me by Jennifer at Art, Words, Life. Now I did this before, so I'm not too sure you want to hear more weird things about me, although I do remember talking about something I had won then. Anyway, after hearing yesterday that I won two more prizes from the Blogging for a Cure 2007 event, I started thinking, it happens that in the last month or so I have won books or art 7 times! Count 'um. Seven times! And the winners are...
1. On My Block and a signed Giclee prints of The Garden of 32 Cats by Sara Kahn thanks to Kate's Book Blog (Can't wait to see this book! Sara is one of a number of illustrators involved in the making of the book.)
2.One of these books signed by Daniel J. Mahoney thanks to Paradise Found. (I don't know which book yet, he gets to pick. Yea! A surprise in the mail. Man, "A Really Good Snowman" looks really good!)
3. Block Party Today and a signed postcard of Two Christmas Mice illustrated by Stephanie Roth thanks to Writing With a Broken Tusk.
4. Un-Brella signed Giclee print from the book written and illustrated by Scott Franson thanks to Scott Franson. (Well, this one I really won for my local library, but it's still a win!)
5. The Name of This Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch thanks to Fuse #8.
6. Sightings by Sam Keen thanks to Chronicle Books Blog (Yeah, they have blog. Did you know that?)
7. The Lonely Moose by John Segal thanks to....sorry, more on that later.
(Earlier this year I got a few other books in the mail. You can see those here and here and here.)
So this is a big thank you to all of you out there who are taking the time to run these contests, and send out ARC's and F&G's. Winning is fun! Especially when my bookshelf devoted to signed books expands!
Hmm, I guess I have to tag people too. How about all of those listed above. If you want to join in, you're officially tagged!
Here's how it works:
1) Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself.
3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
What's your level?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Pay it Forward!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Flattered or furious?
But my continuing curiosity got the better of me and I decided to do a Google search. Look at what I came up with! I don't know if I should be flattered or furious! Ok, I leaning toward furious. I clearly have the copyright notice and "These images may not be used without permission." on my website, my blog, and my online portfolio. I was not contacted at any time by this artist (yeah, artist...shouldn't an artist know better?) My name is listed on the index page (with the wrong title for the piece) but it is not to be found anywhere on this page! Look familiar?
What do you think I need to do? Any other artists out there having to deal with this? How did you handle it? Did anyone from Redwood City see this at the festival?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Remember the Cybils

Have you voted for your favorite children's book yet? There's still time! Go to he Cybils blog and be heard! The Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards give the public the chance to nominate their favorite children's books from 2007.
Nominations close at midnight Chicago time on Wednesday, Nov. 21.
Monday, November 19, 2007
And the winners are...
Annie Bailey for

Karen Lee for

Remember auction one of Robert’s Snow: for Cancer's Cure starts today. You'll find both Chris and Jennifer's snowflake there. Happy bidding!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Contest Countdown

Jennifer Thermes
Chris Gall
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Behind the Snowflakes-Up Close and Personal

Today I have the privilege of featuring another author and illustrator and snowflake creator Chris Gall! (You can read about the first artist I featured here.) This is a special privilege for me since Chris is one of the illustrators I find my inspiration in. He is one creative guy with a keen eye for detail. Chris Gall is a direct descendant of Katharine Lee Bates author of America the Beautiful, the classic poem and anthem. He has worked with clients all over the world including Time, Newsweek, Money, and National Lampoon, to name just a few. Be sure to visit his website!

I was just in New York for the show. It was great fun! My publisher, Little Brown, threw a party. They don’t usually do that. New York is the place to be if you are in illustration or publishing. All three of my books have been in the show. Although only one illustration is displayed, the jury makes their decision on the book as a whole.
How did you become involved in Robert’s Snow and what was your inspiration for your snowflake, “Dinoflake”?
I got a call from Grace Lin. I knew it was for a good cause but at the time I didn’t know a lot about the project, after some checking I found it was a great conglomeration of illustrators. For my snowflake I wanted to do something different, that’s the way I approach all of my art. So I went with something in contrast to the expected imagery, yet not too random, Santa Dino!
Who had the most influence on your work?
As a kid, no question, Maurice Sendak. My grandmother was friends with him. She owned a small bookstore and he would visit. I would get gifts and signed books from him. As an adult I would have to say my influences come form Chris Van Allsburg and David Wiesner.
What is your all-time favorite picture book?
Where the Wild Things are.

After spending a long time as a commercial illustrator, doing magazine and editorial work it became dry, not so rewarding. I decided I wanted to do children’s books. Even with success as an illustrator elsewhere, it’s hard to break into publishing, so I was looking for a pitch. Something that would interest a publisher. My family kept asking me to illustrate America the Beautiful-I am the great grand-nephew of Katharine Lee Bates—the poem’s author, and after 9-11, I felt the need to do just that. So I put together a proposal and sent it to friends, who sent it to friends, until it ended up in my agents hands. I still have that agent today.
Are the original hand written lyrics on display now?
The family has one of the hand-written copies of the lyrics.
You are the writer and illustrator for your last two books. For you, which comes first, the pictures or the words?
The manuscript first. Always. The industry is biased toward the story not the art. You have to have a strong story. They buy the manuscript. I will include some sample art along with the manuscript when I send it.
You have such a unique style, tell us a little bit about your illustrative process.
I start with thumbnails, sketches, layouts, tracings, and composition. I spend the most time on composition. Then I do a black and white engraving on clay board, kind of like a woodcut. Then it’s scanned and colored in Illustrator. 75-80% of the color is done on the computer. I might then use Photoshop too to move elements or make any changes.

Yes! I definitely want to fill that void. Early in my career I walked into a bookstore to research the current state of pictures books, and I couldn’t find much that I (with my 7 year old hat on) wanted to actually read. I was determined to create books that I would like if I were a young boy. Of course, girls are always welcome too!
With such a busy schedule, do you still find time to do stand-up comedy? (You curious readers can see what I’m talking about on his bio.)
Oh, I retired from that four years ago. I toured, I was in an improve group, but it was too exhausting. It’s a serious business! But it did give me public speaking experience. If you’re used to dealing with 300 drunk, rowdy, chain-smoking strangers on a late Friday night—all of whom are convinced they are funnier than you are—then entertaining a few 3rd graders is a piece of cake.

All images © 2004 - 2007 Chris Gall.
Be sure to check out the other snowflakes being featured today:
Sunday, November 11
- Tim Coffey at The Silver Lining
- Elizabeth Dulemba at sruble's world
- Amy Schimler at Please Come Flying

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
New Look!

Monday, November 5, 2007
Rejection, It's Nothing Personal
They say not to take it personal, it's just business, one person's opinion, a tough market, a slow season, not the right match, not suited to their needs, yet as you read your rejection letter, you realize it is just that. Pure and simple. Whether a form or a personal letter, it's still a rejection.
This is how you are supposed to feel when rejection hits. You are supposed to feel rejected!
Which got me thinking, what does it mean when you don't take it personal, when it doesn't bother you, when you just check them off the list and move on? When your heart doesn't sink while looking at your own SASE in your mailbox. This seems to be where I'm at and I wonder, is this a good thing? Does this mean I'm looking at submission from a professional stand point or does it mean the long, drawn out process of submitting is starting to wear me down?
I'd love to hear from others on this one. How do you get that feeling back where, whenever you send out a submission, you think "This is the one!"
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Snowflakes Abound Week Four

Where to find this week's Illustrators. (Be sure to come back here this Sunday for an Up Close and Personal interview with Chris Gall!)
Monday, November 5
- Anna Alter at The Longstockings
- Laura Huliska Beith at Just One More Book!!
- Cece Bell at Jo's Journal
- Denise Ortakales at cynthialord’s Journal
Tuesday, November 6
- Carol Heyer at The Shady Glade
- Joe Kulka at ChatRabbit
- Steven James Petruccio at Blog From the Windowsill
- Carol Schwartz at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
Wednesday, November 7
- Jeff Ebbeler at Sam Riddleburger's blog
- Scott Magoon at Just One More Book!!
- Connie McLennan at The Shady Glade
- Julie Paschkis at the excelsior file
Thursday, November 8
- Genevieve Cote at a wrung sponge
- Linda Graves at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- James Gurney at Charlotte's Library
- Matt Tavares at Please Come Flying
Friday, November 9
- Susan Kathleen Hartung at Wild Rose Reader
- Mary Peterson at Brooklyn Arden
- Annette Simon at Check It Out and Deo Writer
- Melanie Watt at Whimsy Books
Saturday, November 10
- R.W. Alley at at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
- Jeannie Brett at cynthialord’s Journal
- Daniel Mahoney at Paradise Found and Great Solutions to Team Challenges
- Amy Young at Kate's Book Blog
Sunday, November 11
- Tim Coffey at The Silver Lining
- Elizabeth Dulemba at sruble's world
- Chris Gall at Through the Studio Door
- Amy Schimler at Please Come Flying
Just around the corner: Bidding for the snowflakes in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift and supports an important cause.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween Past
Monday, October 29, 2007
Snowflakes Abound Week Three

Where to find this week's Illustrators
Monday, October 29
- Dan Santat at Writing and Ruminating
- Joanne Friar at The Longstockings
- Alissa Imre Geis at Wild Rose Reader
- Diane Greenseid at Just One More Book!!
- Sean Qualls at Brooklyn Arden
Tuesday, October 30
- Ann Koffsky at Book Buds
- Bill Carman at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Gretel Parker at Finding Wonderland
- Matt Phelan at A Year of Reading
- Stephanie Roth at Writing with a broken tusk
Wednesday, October 31
- Shawna Tenney at Kate’s Book Blog
- Adam Rex at Booktopia and Welcome to my Tweendom
- Mo Willems at MotherReader
- Rolandas Kiaulevicius at a wrung sponge
Thursday, November 1
- Karen Lee at sruble’s world
- Diana Magnuson at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Melissa Iwai at Brooklyn Arden
- Victoria Jamieson at AmoXcalli and Cuentecitos
- Molly Idle at The Shady Glade
- Meghan McCarthy at A Fuse #8 Production
Friday, November 2
- Tracy McGuinness-Kelly at Sam Riddleburger’s blog
- Sarah Kahn at Kate’s Book Blog
- Sylvia Long at Whimsy Books
- Jeremy Tankard at the excelsior file
- Holli Conger at Please Come Flying
Saturday, November 3
- Susan Miller at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Ellen Beier at What Adrienne Thinks About That
- Hideko Takahashi at The Silver Lining
- Judith Moffat at Jo’s Journal
- Wendell Minor at Wild Rose Reader
Sunday, November 4
- Joy Allen at Check It Out
- Robin Brickman at Greetings from Nowhere
- Lauren Stringer at laurasalas
- Nancy Wallace at In the Pages . . .
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Up Close and Personal Contest Update

Like to enter contests? Paradise Found has put together a list of all the Blogging for a Cure bloggers who are giving away books and art . Check it out!
Here is just one of the many contests going one.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Snowflakes Abound Week Two!

Please take time out to visit all of these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift and supports an important cause.
Where to find this week's Illustrators
Monday, October 22
Mark Teague at The Miss Rumphius Effect
Sharon Vargo at Finding Wonderland
Christopher Demarest at Writing and Ruminating
Rose Mary Berlin at Charlotte's Library
David Macaulay at Here in the Bonny Glen
Tuesday, October 23
Carin Berger at Chasing Ray
Marion Eldridge at Chicken Spaghetti
Sophie Blackall at not your mother's bookclub
Erik Brooks at Bildungsroman
Brian Lies at Greetings from Nowhere
Wednesday, October 24
Elisa Kleven at Rozzie Land
Consie Powell at Becky's Book Reviews
Jimmy Pickering at Shaken & Stirred
Frank Dormer at What Adrienne Thinks About That
Sheila Bailey at Lizjonesbooks
Thursday, October 25
Julia Denos at Interactive Reader
Rebecca Doughty at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
Brian Floca at A Fuse #8 Production
Margaret Chodos-Irvine at readergirlz
Friday, October 26
David Ezra Stein at HipWriterMama
Juli Kangas at Sam Riddleburger's blog
Ginger Nielson at Miss O's School Library
Margot Apple at Jo's Journal
Saturday, October 27
Julie Fromme Fortenberry at Your Neighborhood Librarian
Sarah Dillard at The Silver Lining
John Hassett at cynthialord's Journal
Abigail Marble at Please Come Flying
Sunday, October 28
Ashley Wolff at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
Barbara Garrison at Brooklyn Arden
Kelly Murphy at ChatRabbit
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Behind the Snowflakes- Up close and Personal

Today I have the privilege of featuring author and illustrator and snowflake creator Jennifer Thermes. Jennifer writes books about life in the colonial time period. Her stories are inspired by events that happened in her 280-year-old family home. The old farmhouse was once owned by poet and editor Louis Untermeyer. She is convinced "his spirit still infuses the place with a love of stories and ideas." Be sure to check out her website. Like her books, it's chock-full fine detail and historical information.
How did you become involved in Robert’s Snow and what was your inspiration for your snowflake, The First Snow?
I had heard about Robert’s Snow in previous years, and when the call for interested artists came out, I sent in my name. So many people’s lives have been touched by cancer, and I thought it was a very worthy cause.
As for the inspiration for my snowflake, I still get excited with the first snow of the season, and I’m sure that children in colonial times did, too!
Who had the most influence on your work?
Many people– my first art teacher, my writing group, something I’ve read, other artists’ work. It’s always changing. I try to stay inspired by new things. I have always liked that saying about “thinking like a beginner,” in order to keep learning and growing.
What is your all-time favorite picture book?
Another tough question, because my favorites change all the time! (I will say, my favorite Dr. Seuss story is “What Was I Scared Of?” There’s something about that “pair of pale green pants with nobody inside them” that gets me every time!) But seriously, I love the work of Peter Sís, David Small, Garth Williams, Barbara McClintock, among so many others.

I knew right away there was a story in the boot and the shoe, but it was about three years before I put pen to paper. Between putting the story and the pictures together took about a year, and then another year before a publisher picked up the idea. Then, of course, another two years working with the editor, doing the final artwork, and completing the whole production process. It’s probably not a good idea to think too hard about the time it takes to make a book!
Do you have the original boot and shoe on display in your home?
Yes, they make a great conversation starter.

I probably have the same distractions as anybody who works from home, though with a lot more dust! I think the thing an old house really teaches you is that life isn’t perfect, but it can still work just fine, and even be wonderful. In an old house things break, paint peels, floors creak and nothing is level- but there is a certain charm that is hard to reproduce. Also, I find it oddly comforting to think about all of life’s ups and downs the different people who lived here must have experienced.
Working as an author/illustrator, for you, which comes first, the pictures or the words?
It depends on the project. Sometimes an idea will come to me visually, and sometimes a line of text will come whole, seemingly out of nowhere. I’m convinced it’s a gift from the subconscious when that happens! More likely is that I’ll work on the words first– struggling through a first draft and trying to figure out what the story is about, and then shifting back and forth between the words and pictures to meld it all together. I think with each new project I crawl before I walk, and walk before I run. Once I get into the “groove” of an idea it seems to flow quickly.
Tell us a little bit about your illustrative process.
I do a lot of scribbly-sketches before a picture’s composition takes hold, and then refine the drawing from there. It’s helpful to keep a thumbnail layout of a book project in front of me as I work so that I can keep in mind how the pictures and story will flow from page to page. Once I start the finished art I have to remind myself to take frequent breaks– otherwise I get too nit-picky with the color and, actually, everything! I’m never completely satisfied with the finish, but I suspect many artists would say the same about their work.

Your stories are such a part of the life you have lived, or inspired by the lives of those who lived before you, what do you have planned next?
Right now I have several stories out for consideration, one is a picture-book biography and all with historical themes. Since my “day job” is creating illustrated maps, I’ve been working on an idea that incorporates them into a story. It’s still in the early stages.
What were you thinking with that 1980's hairstyle? Just kidding! (All you curious readers can see what I’m talking about on Jennifer’s website bio.)
Oh, come on, I was SO COOL!! (But really quite shy, believe it or not!)
Thank you Jennifer for letting us get to know more about you! And a special thank you for donating a signed book to be given away to one lucky reader of this blog. That's right! Just post a reply on this blog telling me if Jennifer is in auction 1, 2, or 3, and your name will go into a drawing. The winner will be selected on the first day of her auction. (You can find the auction details here.)
Be sure to check out the other snowflakes being featured today:
Brooke Dyer at Bookshelves of Doom
D.B. Johnson at Lessons from the Tortoise
Erin Eitter Kono at Sam Riddleburger
Sherry Rogers at A Life in Books
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
More Snowflakes Abound!
Tomorrow's the big day. I'll be featuring Jennifer Thermes and her snowflake. Be sure to check back in. There will be a drawing involved. You could win a signed copy of one of her books!
In the meantime take a look at who's been featured in the last two days...Wednesday, October 17
Rick Chrustowski at laurasalas
Diane DeGroat at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
Ilene Richard at Something Different Every Day
Brie Spangler at Lectitans
Don Tate at The Silver Lining
Tuesday, October 16
Selina Alko at Brooklyn Arden
Scott Bakal at Wild Rose Reader
Alexandra Boiger at Paradise Found
Paige Keiser at Your Neighborhood Librarian
Janet Stevens at The Miss Rumphius Effect
PLEASE NOTE! Not every illustrator involved in this project will be featured on our blogs. Some are still working on their snowflakes! That means to see all of them, you'll have to go to the Robert's Snow Site.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Snowflakes Abound!

Monday, October 15
Randy Cecil at ChatRabbit
Michelle Chang at The Longstockings
Kevin Hawkes at Cynthia Lord's Journal
Barbara Lehman at The Excelsior File
Grace Lin at In the Pages
This year Robert's Snow has rounded up, more than 200 well-known children’s book illustrators from around the world to create a unique, original art snowflake. And you can own one! The 2007 online auctions for bidding on these hand-painted snowflakes will take place in three separate auctions, from November 19 to 23, November 26-30, and December 3-7. You can read all about it here .
The artists I will be featuring are:
Jennifer Thermes: Thursday, October 18
Chris Gall: Sunday, November 11
Special thanks to Elaine at Wild Rose Reader for not only sharing more photos of the gallery exhibit featuring the snowflakes, but for having a contest with the very special price of a a limited edition Robert’s Snow giclee print created by Grace Lin! This is going to be fun! In fact, many of the feature blogs are running contests with prizes, so be sure to check each one, each day.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Update on the Update
Robert’s Snow Exhibit
October 3-22
Child at Heart Gallery
Somehow I missed posting the link to photographer Pennington Geis's
slide show.
Don't forget you can also see them at Robert's Snow: Cancer's Cure, where you will also find information on how to bid and win your very own original art snowflake!
Behind the Snowflakes Update

Be sure to check out the Wild Rose Reader Blog for the latest in the exhibit of Robert's Snow snowflakes! Elaine has posted links to the original art exhibit along with some great photographs from the open house that took place this past Saturday at The Child at Heart Gallery in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Great photos Elaine! Thank you. I would love to get to go the gallery. But since I can't, here's the next best thing:
Robert's Snow: Artist Open House & Exhibit
A Smile to Warm Your Heart!
Scenes from Robert's Snow Artist Open House
Artwork will be on display at the following locations.
48 Inn Street
Newburyport, MA 01950
Open House: Saturday, October 6
Exhibit Dates: October 3 – 22
Danforth Museum of Art
123 Union Avenue
Framingham, MA 01702
Open House: Sunday, November 4
Special Sneak Preview: October 31 – November 3
Exhibit Dates: November 4 – December 2
Behind the Snowflakes
Below is an update to my original post. More artists links have been added to this list!
The Woman Behind the Snowflakes
The Robert's Snow project, was founded by author/illustrator Grace Lin in honor of her husband Robert's life. Grace gathered artists from all over the children's book illustrating community to create original art snowflakes to be auctioned off. Since 2004, this online auction has raised over $200,000 for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Sadly, in August 2007 Robert lost his battle against cancer at age 35. This year's snowflakes will be auctioned in November and December.
The Artists Behind the Snowflakes
You can see how some of the artists created their snowflakes for this years auction on the following blogs. If anyone I missed would like to be added to this post just let me know.
Anna Alter
Elizabeth O. Dulemba
Holli Conger
Karen Lee
Roz Fulcher
Don Tate
Sherry Rogers
John Nez
Sarah Dillard
Connie McLennan
Paige Keiser
Kelly Murphy
Dan Santat
Stephanie Roth
Sharon Vargo
Susan Mitchell
Ellen Beirer
Liza Woodruff
Sally Vitsky
Jane Dippold
Cecily Lang
Mary Haverfield
Consie Powell
Marion Eldridge
Adam Rex
Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Eric Brooks
Alissa Imre Geis (look here too!)
Amy Schimler
Meghan McCarthy
Matt Tavares (look here too!)
Julie Fromme Fortenberry
Aaron Zenz
Ashley Bryan
Jennifer Thermes
Jeff Newman
Update: Since this was originally posted I have added thirteen more preview blogs. I will keep adding more as I come across them, so keep checking in!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Attention Fellow Arizonans
Six books for adults and five books for kids have been nominated, and the public will determine which will be the 2008 ONEBOOKAZ for adults and for kids.

ONEBOOKAZ provides an opportunity for its citizens to come together to read and discuss books that will increase their knowledge and appreciation of Arizona’s unique history and culture. Vote for adult titles here.
Help pick the book that all of the kids in Arizona will read in 2008. Choose from five fun and exciting books…all about Arizona people and places. Vote for kids titles here.
Voting runs from September 17 to October 15, 2007.
Monday, October 1, 2007
2007 Cyblis Kick Off!

I am very excited to be serving as a member of the Fiction Picture Book-judging panel for the 2007 Cybils. The Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards give the public the chance to nominate their favorite children's books from 2007.
I find myself in great company with of the following team. Be sure to check out their blogs.
Nominating Panel:
Julie Danielson (Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast)
Marcie Flinchum Atkins (World of Words)
Annie Teich (Crazy for Kids Books)
Cheryl Rainfield
Pam Coughlan MotherReader
Judging Panel:
Mitali Perkins (Mitali's Fire Escape)
Nikki Tate (Work in Progress)
Gail Maki Wilson (Through the Studio Door)
Barbara Johansen Newman (Cats and Jammers Studio)
Stacey Shubitz (Two Writing Teachers)
And now the fun part for you! You can nominate your favorite book of the year starting today, October 1st. Just go the the announcement on the Cybil's Blog found here, and follow the instructions. Books can be nominated in the following categories:
Fantasy/Science Fiction
Fiction Picture Books
Graphic Novels
Middle Grade Fiction
Non-Fiction: Middle Grade and Young Adult
Non-Fiction Picture Books
Young Adult Fiction