I was tagged by Elaine at Wild Rose Reader
Here are the rules: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

I have really bad luck. My family calls it the "Wilson Curse". But it's true. Things that don't just happen to anybody, seem to hang over us like a ominous black cloud. Okay, I'm not talking normal bad luck here, I'm talking about things like a plane crashing in our back yard! Yup. It really happened. But as horrific as it was, no one got hurt. Not even the pilot.
2. I tend to win things. Sweepstakes, door prizes,
ironing boards, you name it! Although I'm still waiting for that big lottery win. So far to date, the biggest prize was from a
Home and Garden Show. It was like Christmas at our house when the prizes were delivered. Only these were really big packages. They wouldn't even all fit in the living room! Twenty-six best of the best, home products. Ranging from a computer to a big screen TV to a washer and dryer. And lots of little things in between. I guess this makes up for the bad luck!
3. I'm very superstitious. I put a lot of credence in things like fortune cookies and horoscopes. In fact I still carry a "fortune" in my jacket pocket from the
SCBWI LA conference last summer. It reminds me of why i went and how important it was. I have a brand new fortune I got after
this Editor's Day that is now on the corner of my computer screen to keep me motivated.
4. I was at a Jackson Browne concert once where a sniper was in the crowd. (I guess this goes back to the bad luck thing.) It was during the
Running on Empty tour at outdoor venue at a place called
Arcosanti . It was kind of a hippie, commune, village-type place. The guy was hiding in the big boulders that surrounded the natural amphitheater. They told everyone to get down on the ground. One of the back-up performers went to the mike and talked the guy down. Jackson Browne still came on and ended the set with “Stay.”
5. I hate cold weather. I live in Phoenix. Enough said.
6. I can’t stand to go more than one day without seeing the sun. I get very blue on gray days. It’s nice to have clouds or rain for a change, but after one day of it, I’m ready for sunshine. How do you guys in the Pacific Northwest do it?!
7. I was not “given” a middle name. Neither were my sisters. None of us. Now the government
doesn’t like this oddity. (Of course my Mom did!) So once you start filing your income tax, they fill in the blank for you. Until I got married, my middle name became “None.”
8. I met my husband in a bar. He was taking country swing dance lessons. When he saw me he told his friends, “That’s the girl I’m going to marry.” He told me the same thing a week later. I said, “Yeah, right.” Two years later we got married.
I am tagging:
Sherry RogersRoz FulcherGrace LinScott FransonKaren LeeCheryl KleinRampianBill CochranI know this has been going around, and I'm a little late getting to mine, so I hope none of you mind if I tag you. Join in if you want to, if you don't want to sorry for the tag!